Are there any tips on how I can implement Dialogic Gatherings in Maths and Chemistry class?

Would you recommend another practice for these subjects?

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  • Autor
    • Vanina Ninova
        hace 7 meses, 4 semanas

        Dear Elli,

        Based on the experience of the Bulgarian RERUGE-ED team I would recommend you to implement the successful educational practice – Interactive groups – (IGs) in Math’s class.

        In one school in Sofia, Bulgaria the Interactive groups were successfully implemented during Math’s’ class with students in 7 grade, incl. Bulgarian and Ukrainian children. We observed that the students developed their skills in working together as a team when doing their tasks and in helping each other. Also, while working in groups the teacher has the possibility and the time to observe more closely and personally the work and the progress of every student, which is specifically important for Maths’ class where students advance with the material with a different speed.  The teacher was careful every time to form the groups in such a way that the two Ukrainian students are part of different groups. After one of IGs  our team observed not only motivation and readiness in some of the Bulgarian students to help their Ukrainian peers with the tasks but also a dedication from their side to support the Ukrainian children in understanding better the material that is studied. A Bulgarian and a Ukrainian student stayed working together even during the break after the Math class was already finished.

        Hope this message was useful and I wish you good luck with the SEAs implementation😊


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