How does Interactive Groups work?

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    • Nicole
        hace 1 año

        Hi Flora! For interactive groups the implementor will create groups with heterogenous and diverse participants. In their group, participants will then rotate around stations in a room every 10-15 minutes. At each station will be a problem or activity that the group needs to complete together and a ‘volunteer.’ The aim is for the group to work together to create the solution and for the volunteer to support this by encouraging participation and collaboration from the group members.

        I hope this helps but would love input from others about what has worked in their settings!

      • Bilal Almobarak
          hace 1 año

          The classroom is devided into four groups, each with a failitator adult who can be from the local society without any prior knowledge about the subject.

          Each group gets an assignemt to resolve under 15 minutes, when done they move to next assignment an so on until all groups have done all assignments.

          The role of the facilitator is merely to facilitate students participation on equal basis and encourage all to contribute.

          The teacher is there to support all the tables when needed.

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