Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs) were implemented biweekly, as well as ad-hoc if a serious issue occurred, using a range of classical, as well as more modern pieces of literature to promote dialogue among pupils, increase team-bonding and boost creativity.

Impact and successes

In classes of the youngest children, DLGs significantly increased production, construction and comprehension of new words and the retelling of stories, whilst also enriching their expressive vocabulary. In older ages, students were able to express opinions, emotions and thoughts more confidently and concisely.

Lessons, learning and recommendations

The choice of the first book to use in DLGs was co-decided with the pupils. It was deemed necessary in order to attract their attention in the procedure to use a more popular, modern book (Le Petit Prince and The Alchemist) in the beginning. Later on during the school year, they touched upon classical literature as well (The Odyssey).

Links and references

Material co-created by teachers and pupils during DLG implementation.