Every two weeks students participated in Interactive Groups (IGs) in both English and Italian. During each session, some mothers participated in the work group with the students. Each class was organised in two or three groups, and the topics of each session were related to the subject of English language and/or Italian language. The type of activities were chosen by the teacher according to the level of the class and to the National Programmes. The activities were sent the days before and explained in the same morning of IG to the volunteering mothers. Each session lasted between one and two hours.

Impact and successes

The IGs developed skills on peer relationships. Both parents and teachers reported that children looked forward to the day of activities with the IGs.  Some children overcame shyness, others overcame prejudices toward foreign classmates.

Lessons, learning and recommendations

The experience of interactive groups has opened the doors of the school world to parents, allowing them to understand the dynamics of school contexts and how important this is to class work and individual children.