The following Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) took place weekly in the school: Interactive Groups (IGs), Dialogical Literary Gatherings (DLGs), Dialogic Model of Conflict Prevention and Resolution, Learning Time Extension. 350 students were involved in the IG and the Dialogic Model (aged 3 to 11 years) and 500 students in the DLG (3 to 17 years old).

Impact and successes

According to the teachers’ perspective, students learnt more and better when they interact. With the DLGs they had the option to talk and express themselves. In IGs they helped each other, and their learning process and their sense of belonging improved as a result. On the other hand, the implementation of the dialogic model of prevention and resolution of conflicts (one of the SEAs) has had an important effect on students’ behaviour, specially to be aware of aggressive attitudes and standing up against these attitudes.

Lessons, learning and recommendations

There has been an improvement in families’ engagement and participation in school since the SEAs have been implemented, but there is still a challenge on making the Learning Community even more participative for all families and volunteers.

Since the SEAs are implemented in the centre, there is a different way of working in the schools, and new and young teachers are less afraid to implement these methodologies based on the evidence of their social impact.