The following Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) took place weekly in the school: Interactive Groups (IGs), Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs), Extension of Learning Time, Dialogic Training of Teachers, Family Training, Participation of the Community, Dialogic Model of Conflict Prevention and Resolution. 400 students (3 to 11 years old) and 50 teachers were involved. […]
SEA: Educative participation of the community
IES Alfonso II High School
The centre implemented weekly Successful Educational Activities (SEAs) (Dialogic Literary Gatherings, Extension of Learning Time, Family Training, Dialogic Training of Teachers, Participation of the Community, and Interactive Groups) in maths, literature, physics, chemistry, economics, history and geography. The direct beneficiaries were about 550 students. […]
School in Thessaloniki
Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs) were implemented biweekly in literature and art classes, while the methodology of IGs was followed during math classes. Classical literature was utilised, namely Homer’s Iliad and The Odyssey. […]
Support Group Network Mölndal
Around 50 unique participants involved (teachers, volunteers, families and children) The SEAs and MHPSS tools implemented biweekly in Interactive Groups (IGs), Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs), Participation of the Community, TeamUp and games from the playbook ‘Right to play’. The SEAs were primarily implemented during Maths, English and Arabic classes. The volunteers and teachers were also […]