Procesos dialógicos de planificación de los servicios sociales: el proceso de cambio en los barrios de La Milagrosa y La Estrella (Albacete)

the lack of tools suitable to aid the social transformation in the so called ghetto barrios favors the development of institutions and social services that do not meet the goals for which they were established. The barrios of La Milagrosa and La Estrella in Albacete illustrate a change in such regard. In those barrios has […]

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Comunidades de Aprendizaje

The article presents how is the transformation process of a school into a Learning Community. The transformation of schools into learning communities is one of the most solid starting points for the involvement of citizens in improving their neighbourhoods and towns that prevents for example, the segregation of public space use people of different cultures. […]

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Second-Order Sexual Harassment: Violence Against the Silence Breakers Who Support the Victims

this article provides unprecedented clues about Second-Order Sexual Harassment. Working on safety strategies for individuals who support victims, promoting solidarity networks that also address SOSH, and ensuring that institutional policies are enforced are found to be central factors that can help prevent and/or transcend SOSH. […]

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The Dialogic Society

The book focuses on the dialogue as the main source of knowledge. The book brings to light important mistakes from some of the most cited sociological theories. Thus, the author analyse the dialogic society need to address main critiques to soiology and other social sciences: theoretical errors, individualism, ethical problems and lack of social impact. […]

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