The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Guide for Teachers: This Guide has been designed for teachers supporting children in their return to school in the wake of the pandemic. It opens with a set […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. A Guide for Teachers
The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Guide for Teachers: This Guide has been designed for teachers supporting children in their return to school in the wake of the pandemic. It opens with a set […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. A Guide for Teachers
The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Guide for Teachers: This Guide has been designed for teachers supporting children in their return to school in the wake of the pandemic. It opens with a set […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. A Guide for Teachers
The children’s resilience programme aims to enhance the psychosocial wellbeing and protection of children. Children’s resilience programmes can be run in schools or in other community-based groups and can be integrated into the classroom curriculum or conducted as activities outside the classroom. The facilitator handbooks have been developed for facilitators, field coordinators and programme managers […]
Leer más… from The Children’s Resilience Programme. Facilitator Handbook 2. Workshop tracks.
The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Guide for Teachers: This Guide has been designed for teachers supporting children in their return to school in the wake of the pandemic. It opens with a set […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. A Guide for Teachers
The children’s resilience programme recognizes that children’s wellbeing is influenced by their interaction with their parents and caregivers, their peers and with others in their community environment. The programme therefore covers all these areas of children’s lives to help improve their wellbeing and their resilience. This is done through children’s workshops that focus on supporting […]
Leer más… from The Children’s Resilience Programme. Programme Managers Handbook.
The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Guide for Teachers: This Guide has been designed for teachers supporting children in their return to school in the wake of the pandemic. It opens with a set […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. A Guide for Teachers
The children’s resilience programme recognizes that children’s wellbeing is influenced by their interaction with their parents and caregivers, their peers and with others in their community environment. The programme therefore covers all these areas of children’s lives to help improve their wellbeing and their resilience. This is done through children’s workshops that focus on supporting […]
Leer más… from The Children’s Resilience Programme. Programme Managers Handbook.
The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Guide for Teachers: This Guide has been designed for teachers supporting children in their return to school in the wake of the pandemic. It opens with a set […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. A Guide for Teachers
The children’s resilience programme recognises that children’s wellbeing is influenced by their interaction with their parents and caregivers, their peers and with others in their community environment. The programme therefore covers all these areas of children’s lives to help improve their wellbeing and their resilience. This booklet can be used as a stand-alone resource or […]
Leer más… from The Children’s Resilience Programme. Understanding Children’s Wellbeing.
The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Activity Guide: This Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children features fun activities for children at home, in school or for remote use. In a home learning environment, for […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. Activity Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children.
The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Activity Guide: This Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children features fun activities for children at home, in school or for remote use. In a home learning environment, for […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. Activity Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children.
The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Activity Guide: This Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children features fun activities for children at home, in school or for remote use. In a home learning environment, for […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. Activity Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children.
The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Activity Guide: This Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children features fun activities for children at home, in school or for remote use. In a home learning environment, for […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. Activity Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children.
The toolkit is designed to facilitate support for children, parents/caregivers and teachers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but may be useful for anyone, anywhere, and any time. Activity Guide: This Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children features fun activities for children at home, in school or for remote use. In a home learning environment, for […]
Leer más… from A Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Living and Learning Toolkit. Activity Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children.
The Play Opportunities for Wellness and Education Resource (P.O.W.E.R.) is a collection of 100 gender-responsive play-based learning activities created to support parents, teachers, coaches, social workers and others to promote children’s learning and development. The 100 games are available as animated videos and short PDF manuals. They support girls and boys to develop holistic life […]
Leer más… from P.O.W.E.R. Play Opportunities for Wellness and Education Ressource
This resource brings more than 60 ideas for games that can be used by educators to support social-emotional learning. This resource is to be used by Facilitators to deliver the SEL Games as part of the SEL Intervention in a Safe Healing and Learning Space (SHLS). These games are to be used in conjunction with […]
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The children’s resilience programme aims to enhance the psychosocial wellbeing and protection of children. The programme recognises the key role of parents and other caregivers, teachers and community providers and seeks to equip them in the care and protection of the children in their communities. Children’s resilience programmes can be run in schools or in […]
Leer más… from The Children’s Resilience Programme. Facilitator Handbook 1. Getting Started.
The children’s resilience programme aims to enhance the psychosocial wellbeing and protection of children. The programme recognises the key role of parents and other caregivers, teachers and community providers and seeks to equip them in the care and protection of the children in their communities. Children’s resilience programmes can be run in schools or in […]
Leer más… from The Children’s Resilience Programme. Facilitator Handbook 1. Getting Started.
The children’s resilience programme aims to enhance the psychosocial wellbeing and protection of children. The programme recognises the key role of parents and other caregivers, teachers and community providers and seeks to equip them in the care and protection of the children in their communities. Children’s resilience programmes can be run in schools or in […]
Leer más… from The Children’s Resilience Programme. Facilitator Handbook 2. Workshop tracks.
The aim of the training is to give participants an understanding of how to set-up, implement and manage the children’s resilience programme and how to use the resource kit. Participants will be introduced to the children’s resilience programme, psychosocial support and child protection and get an understanding of how activities in the children’s resilience programme […]
Leer más… from The Children’s Resilience Programme. Programme Management Training.
Child friendly Spaces (CFS) are interventions used by humanitarian agencies to increase children’s access to safe environments and promote their psychosocial well-being. Some CFS programmes may focus on informal education or other needs related to children. However, all CFS try to provide a safe place where children can come together to play, relax, express themselves, […]
Leer más… from Child Friendly Spaces in Humanitarian Settings
Child friendly Spaces (CFS) are interventions used by humanitarian agencies to increase children’s access to safe environments and promote their psychosocial well-being. Some CFS programmes may focus on informal education or other needs related to children. However, all CFS try to provide a safe place where children can come together to play, relax, express themselves, […]
Leer más… from Child Friendly Spaces in Humanitarian Settings
A Safe Healing and Learning Space (SHLS) is a secure, caring and predictable place where children and adolescents living in conflict and crisis settings can learn, develop and be protected. The toolkit covers the SHLS approach, Social Emotional Learning, Basic math and reading skills for children, and Parenting skills. […]
Leer más… from Safe Healing and Learning Spaces Toolkit