This exercise requires putting the events of the story presented in the right order. […]
Type of resource: Interactive groups
This exercise requires children to complete the spaces provided by answering questions pertaining to different areas. The exercise is useful for expanding Italian vocabulary or consolidating it. […]
Nel mondo degli animali
This exercise requires classifying different animal species by cutting out and colouring. […]
Calcoli in cucina
This exercise is related to teaching mathematics and requires the group to do calculations and transcribe them. […]
Fases de transformación
Online course on the transformation phases to become a learning community (registration required to access – free). […]
Comunidades de Aprendizaje
The website offers multiple resources and materials focusing on SEAs (successful educational actions) as well as the transformation process to a Learning Community. […]
I viventi
This exercise requires the group to fill the black spaces with the right words related to science subject, especially the cells. […]