The dialogic model of conflict prevention and resolution was piloted in the centre. […]
Type of setting: Residential care
‘Gambia’ e ‘Senegal’ housing for UAM
The dialogic model of conflict prevention and resolution was piloted in the centre. The model was delivered in two separate apartments that together make up the centre for unaccompanied minors for a total of 12 minors. It was decided to use horticultural therapy as a tool to initiate dialogue. Typically, botanical concepts were used for […]
Casa di Giuseppe

On average 18 minors were involved. They implemented Dialogical Literally Gatherings (DLGs) once a week. […]
Centre Sirius
Training on Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) and especially Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs); and training on MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) was conducted with around ten educators. A visit to the University was organised with 20 minors where a workshop on journalism and a DLG session was held. […]
Centre Orió
Pla de Santa Maria Centre
Training on Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) and especially Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs); and training on MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) was conducted with around 10 educators. DLG were implemented with a group of 15 minors. Several support visits to implementation were done and an academic orientation was held. A library was set up in […]